Building Our Garden
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we’re trying to live a bit healthier, and buying produce boxes through Chow Locally has been a great step in that direction. A further step we’ve wanted to take for the past few years but only just got around to was building a garden in our backyard to help grow some of our own herbs and veggies. We had a garden in the Casa Grande house, and it was a lot of fun. Although it wasn’t always the most successful adventure, I generally enjoyed planting different items, seeing how they worked (or didn’t, sometimes), and making recipes from the bounty found in the backyard. When we moved out of the CG house and up north to Peoria, we set to landscaping the backyard; while we knew we wanted another garden and even designated a spot for it, the planets never aligned for us to put it together. UNTIL NOW! We finally found a weekend where the weather was good, we weren’t training for a race, we had enough expendable income to buy item...