Sisters Doing It For Themselves*
This past Tuesday night, our tv roster became a bit quieter (and rather a lot sadder) as we bid adieu to both Parks and Recreation and Agent Carter . Parks has been one of my favorite shows since it premiered a few years back, and although Agent Carter’s run was brief, I really enjoyed watching all eight episodes, and I hope it comes back for subsequent seasons. In addition to closing out their seasons/series on the same night, I wanted to write about these shows together as both center around the strong female characters I love to watch. Word, sister. Although I’m not old and decrepit yet,** I’ve seen huge changes in the way female characters have been presented in tv shows over my lifetime, and these two shows are exemplars of an ideal we can continue to strive for. I remember growing up, watching great shows like Roseanne and Murphy Brown , where strong female characters were the cause of controversy (how dare Roseanne act gross, like a man? Ho...