Working on the Back Yard - Part 3 of X
It's been quite some time since the last house notes, and since we're just hanging at home right now, with me tapering down for the upcoming O.C. Marathon (trying not to catch a head cold or eat anything that will make me poo funny), there's not a huge amount of things to blog about. Time for a back yard update! As you may recall from the blog late last year, Chris got to operate semi-heavy machinery, and we went completely against late President Reagan's instructions and built a wall. As I mentioned in that blog linked above, we made a trip to a local nursery (which was both highly recommended from folks we've met around here AND from which we'd recently received a coupon - bonus!) and picked up several dwarf cherry laurel trees to plant along the back wall as well as several pots of bamboo for the eastern fence line. As we spaced them out upon delivery, we realized we'd need a few more, so it was back to the nursery for reinforcements. Over the cou...