Permanent Birthday Shenanigans
Athena with her owl - this will be explained further below. Just be patient! As my birthday present to myself this year, I decided to pull the trigger on a thought I'd been having for the past few years - it was time for a new tattoo! As some of you might know, I already have a few different tattoos. I waited until I turned 30 to get my first one, figuring by then, I might have a decent idea of something I'd want on my body forever; my first piece was done by an artist in Casa Grande, Arizona (where we were living at the time), and it's a large osprey (to symbolize my Florida roots - the osprey is the mascot of the University of North Florida, where I earned my degrees, and you find them all over the state) holding a pair of running shoes in one claw and a pink ribbon with Mom's initials in the other (she was fighting breast cancer at the time). My second tattoo is on my right thigh, and it's the work of an artist in Peoria, Arizona; the main ...