Yes, We Still Own Property in Pinal County...For Now!

Going on fifteen years ago now (ack! We're old!), Chris and I got married in November 2003, while we were living in Jacksonville, Florida. At the same time, he was also serving his final days in the Navy, and the Navy has this cool deal where when you're done, if you leave in good standing, they'll pack you up and move you back to where you enlisted or any closer distance. Since he enlisted in his hometown of Sacramento, we pretty much had a free move anywhere in the continental United States. After looking at cost of living, employment opportunities, housing costs, educational institutions, and several other factors, we settled on Phoenix as our next port of call, and in January 2004, we made our move, driving several days across the country with two cars and just as many dogs. Specifically, these two dogs. Don't they look happy wearing our shirts? We rented an apartment in Mesa right off the 60, and for a year, we got jobs, enrolled in school, and gener...