Sailing, Old School
Although most of our excursions in the greater LA area involve heading north into downtown and the city center, as you might imagine, there are just as many amazing things along the coast. After all, that's why a lot of people move here, right? Right around New Year's Eve, Risa reached out and asked if Chris and I wanted to join she and Dad on a sailing trip. This, by itself, isn't out of the ordinary, as they have a sailboat, but this time, things would be a bit different. Instead of heading out on the Onde Amo (their boat), we'd spend part of the afternoon aboard the Lady Washington , a tall ship that's currently touring the west coast, teaching folks about the good ole days of sailing and pirates and mermaids and whatnot (I might be making that last bit up). A picture of the Lady under sail. This one's from their website; one problem with being aboard is that you don't get to take pictures like this. Since our sailing was at 2pm...