Happy Holidays 2024!
Hello there, all! We hope 2024 treated everyone well, and that this blog post finds you all in excellent health and spirits as yet another year winds down. We also hope you're reading this post stuffed with delicious food and drink - whatever makes you the happiest and concurs with your specific dietary needs/wishes - as well as being surrounded by the friends and family you love the most! On to the annual wrap-up! Like in past years, many of the hyperlinks below will lead you to a previous blog post about the trip or event we're discussing, but some will lead you to the restaurant, brewery, or state park for more information. Have fun clicking around! Getting ready to meet family for dinner in Kingsport, TN in October January 2024 We kicked off the year in our normal style - by bundling the doggos up in the truck and taking the travel trailer on a camping trip - this time, to Roper Lake State Park in Safford, AZ. Some hiking was accomplished, but mostly we jus...