Okay, as you guys may or may not know, I'm not a huge American Idol fan. Chris normally insists we watch the audition weeks, so we can laugh at the freakshows, but we stop watching when the actual contestants start performing (we figure if anything noteworthy happens, we'll learn about it on The Soup ). Well, I do love to continue staying up-to-date on the happenings of all the various reality shows, whether I watch them or not, so when I heard about all this Idol dust up, I had to read more about it. So, last season was Simon's last, which everyone knew about, then Kara was fired, then Ellen quit; Randy is staying put for now. The two new Idol judges are now Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith). Holy moly! Think they'll get into slap fights over who is prettier? ** Update ** It seems that the Idol lineup is not quite confirmed, so the folks listed above may not actually be judges. But, c'mon, doesn't the idea of a J.Lo. vs S.Ty. girl fight crack y...