Race Report: Gilbert Half Marathon
Last Saturday, 11/22, I ran the first ever Gilbert Half Marathon. Taking place on the same morning as the Gilbert Days Parade (actually, we kicked off the parade, which was kind of fun), the run started just north of Warner on Gilbert Road, made a 13.1 mile square, and finished up at the Gilbert Civic Center, just south of Warner on Gilbert Road. Standing in the port o potty line before the start. The field, lined up and ready to run! While I ran the half marathon for this event, there was also a 10K, which ran on the back half of the half marathon course. The 10K started about 30 minutes after the half marathon, which cleared out the roads nicely by the time I came through; I'm sure the super fast half marathoners had to battle through some of the 10Kers, but overall, it worked out fine. There I am, in the middle of the shot, waving at Chris. Time to run! When you sign up for the inaugural run of an event, you never quite know what to expect,...