Ragnar McDowell Mountain – Part the Third!

Be sure to read Part the First and Part the Second!

After Chris came flying into the transition tent after his first loop, I finally headed out on my first run.  As I mentioned in my last blog entry, I slotted myself into the runner 3 spot, which had the longest loop first, an 8.4 miler known as the red loop.  There was a decent amount of climbing on all the loops, but the red loop held the largest summit – here’s the elevation profile from my Garmin:

Yeah, that’s a decent amount of climbing in just a mile or so

It was warm (around 1:30pm), but I wanted to push myself on this loop, since my other two legs would occur during the nighttime hours, and I knew I wouldn’t be as fast, mainly due to reasons of safety and a sense of self-preservation.* I ended up having to power walk up some of the big hike around mile 2, but I was able to run the rest of the leg, and I really enjoyed the downhill sections. 

The totem pole marking the red loop

Additionally, the higher sections of the course afforded a gorgeous view of the surrounding area of McDowell and Fountain Hills.  Overall, my average pace was just under 10:00 miles, which I was pleased with, particularly given the climbing and the heat (it was probably in the mid to high 80s at this time).

Here I go!  Waving to my tens of adoring fans! 

Also, running like a giant weirdo.

Okay, time to focus!  Bye, guys!

Since I was pushing the pace, I ended up recouping a few minutes of the time Luis spent getting lost on his run around the green loop, and when I hit the transition tent, I surrendered my bib and wandered outside to find our next runner, Sara Latham.  Apparently, the team wasn’t expecting me yet, so I had a few moments to look for them while they were hurrying around, looking for me.

Out amongst the cacti.
Just me and my flag socks.
And the race photographer.

Since Ragnar for us is about fun rather than actual time, it didn’t really matter; eventually, everyone found everyone else, and Sara was on her way, starting her run around the green loop.

And she’s off!

Looking good!

Bryan took over next and did the yellow loop, then Murph was on her way around the red loop.  Since the beginning of the red and yellow loops ran past our campsite, we headed out to wait for Murph to run by and cheer her on.

Keeli, Jake, Chris, Luis, and I wait for Murph.
Also, Sara, as she’s taking the picture. 

Also also, more beer.

Also also also, yoga.

Jake, intrepid trail runner, surveying the territory

Look!  It’s Murph!  Go, Murph!

While we waited at the campsite for Murph, Jake prepared to take the reins and night started to fall.  It was at that point we realized Murph left her headlamp at camp, so she was currently negotiating the end of the trail without it.  Thankfully, everything went fine, and she made it back to camp in one piece. 

"Fuuuuull moon/You saw me running alone/
Without anymore Gu/Without my trusty headlaaaaamp."

Ragnar provided a pasta dinner to all runners on Friday night (included with race admission), and since Luis, Chris, Sara, and I would be running in the midst of the dinner time, we decided to head there when it opened at 5pm, with Matt and Joshua.  We waited in line for what seemed like ever, only to eventually abandon the idea and go back to eating the delicious sandwiches Sara made for us.** 

There are many sandwiches, but this one is mine.
You can tell by the “a.”

Jake’s run of the green loop went well…

Jake is ready to run!

… and Jen started out as our anchor runner*** heading around the yellow loop.  We cheered her on as she went past the campsite, but since it was full dark and she was extremely focused, I’m not entirely sure she noticed us.  Her loop was successful, and she handed back off to Luis, who started our rotation of runners once more, this time, with the red loop.

Coming up next on the blog…we keep running!  And drinking beer!  And Murph steals almost all of the sleeping bags!



PS – A huge thank you to Keeli and Sara for their pictures!

* Yes, Mom, I do have one of these.  Kind of.

** When I asked Sara the fiber count on the rolls she was using for the sandwiches, she responded with, “oh, I don’t know since they’re from the bakery, but I’ll find some whole wheat rolls for you!”  She’s pretty outstanding, that one.

*** The final runner of our team, so runner 8.


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