Ragnar McDowell 2015 – Friday Evening

Want to read more of the story?  Start here:  Thursday, Friday Morning, Friday Afternoon

When last we Rag’d, everyone finished their first set of loops, and the sun had set, bringing us up to around 7pm or so on Friday evening.  As a side note, it’s crazy to think that this point in time was only 7pm, as it felt like the middle of the damn night.

Like I posted last year, this is the time of night when not many pictures are taken, as it’s dark, but it’s when some of the funniest moments happen.  For example, I can’t remember who was sitting around at the time, but several of us relaxing under the canopy saw a young man (12-13 years old) attempt to ride a Razor scooter down the path between campsites.  We were camped in a trailhead parking lot, which in Arizona, is made up of hardpack with some loose rock, most of these being 1-2 inches around.  The scooter would slide for a foot, catch on a rock, almost dump the kid off, glide another foot, catch, lather, rinse, repeat.  It was highly amusing for those of who had been up for the past day or so, and we immediately proclaimed it the best thing to happen at Ragnar that year.

Ragnar after dark!
Jake says it’s time to rave!

After my initial spin around the red loop, I tried to nap, but too many things were going on, so I ended up rejoining my teammates under the canopy.  After Matt and Chris ran again, I headed out on the yellow loop, which was my least favorite this year.  Last year, I loved yellow, so whatever changes the race made diminished it my eyes this year, and the general consensus on our team seemed to be the same.  The loop was full of sharp climbs with equally sharp descents; descents that even a somewhat veteran trail runner like me (yes, I do say this seriously) didn’t feel comfortable moving down with any sort of speed.  It was fun to run through the tunnel and back over it again, and it was also enjoyable to run through part of our campsite from last year, which was on the other side of the road.  Overall, though, I was happy to have this one done and hand the bib back to Ryan, as well as his lovely lady, Tara, who joined him on the run.

Jake and Ryan, modeling the latest in compression socks.
It’s called “fashion.”

Tara is a wonderful person anyway, but were particularly endeared to her at this Ragnar, as she did us the solid of working all day, going home, making us all breakfast burritos for the morning, then – and only then - driving them out to us at McDowell.  She also ran with Ryan on the longest of his loops, to keep him company.  She’s seriously outstanding.  After I changed into my dry clothes after yellow, I collapsed in the tent, and when I awoke, Tara had already departed camp for the warm, clean confines of her car and then her house.  She’s far smarter than we are, obviously.  I certainly can’t blame her, especially because she also woke up before the crack of dawn on Sunday to volunteer for Girls on the Run (a great charity) at the San Tan XTerra race.  However, I felt bad missing her exit to say thank you once again for her work on our behalf.

Thankfully, though, I was still able to spend some time talking (read this as: shivering in a camp chair and attempting to put coherent sentences together punctuated by bouts of staring and slow blinking) to Keeli, Jake’s lovely wife, who drove out to McDowell TWO nights in a row to spend time with us.  On Thursday, she stopped on her way home to bring Jake the camp chair he’d forgotten, and on Friday, she came to hang out for a bit AND brought us hot pizza.  She and Tara are the best, obviously.

Eventually, the running order lapped itself again and it was my turn to hit up green, the shortest and easiest of the loops this year.  Green was fun – a gradual, moderate uphill for the first two miles, then a sharp turn punctuated by a fast downhill finish for the remaining two; while there was one section of trail that seemed washed out by Wednesday night’s rains, the course was lovely, overall.  This was the second year where I’d placed myself as runner 3, and I was glad to be romping through the shortest, easiest loop as my final stretch.  It was around 4am by this point, so I also had the pleasure of seeing the crescent moon setting over the mountains, and it was gorgeous.

I flew back into the tent, handed the barely functioning bib back to Ryan, and scurried back to the campsite for warm clothes and food.

Up next, Saturday dawns clear and chilly but we finally finish running!  Hooray!




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