Cleveland Rocks! Part 4

Did you read Part 3?  You should read Part 3.

On the last blog, we explored Cleveland's West Side Market and welcomed our cousin Ethan into the family mix!

We woke up on Saturday morning a bit worse for wear from the festivities the night before (my main issue was a sore throat after attempting to make myself heard at bars all night long), but after a restorative, lighter breakfast of bagels, English muffins, yogurt, fruit, and the like, it was time to head toward the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the earlier part of the day.  The Hall was just under one mile away from the VRBO, so most of us chose to walk, although Mom's back was giving her trouble, so she asked Ethan to drive her and Aunt Kim and meet us there.  On the way, Chris, Jim, Leigh, Uncle Jim, and I wandered the streets of our neighborhood, cheered on some participants in a local running race, and strolled the waterfront area while we waited for the rest of our party to arrive.

If it's free, it's for me!

Strolling toward the pier

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the left,
the Great Lakes Science Center in the middle,
and FirstEnergy Stadium on the right
(that's where the Browns play - 
well, that's where the Browns show up
to lose to other football teams, I suppose).

More shots of downtown from the banks of Lake Erie.

I think I can see Canada from here!

We also found another one of the cool Cleveland signs and made the most of it:

These things are so neat.
Every city should have them.

Eventually, the ladies and Ethan arrived, and we headed back toward the Hall to greet them.

The obligatory, "Look, it's Ethan!
This is where he works!" shots.

Given the size and scope of the Hall of Fame, we knew it would be difficult (if not totally impossible) to keep all eight of us together, so as we paid our admission, we planned to meet outside a few hours later, to give us time to grab lunch and walk back to the VRBO before we needed to get all gussied up and head to Ashley's wedding.  The Hall of Fame is a cool place, although both Chris and I felt it hit really hard on some bands/singers while neglecting others (for examples, lots of Tom Petty - understandable, given the timing - but not a single thing on Queen.  Really?).  Overall, though, it was a cool experience, even if the $25 admission is on the pricey side (not nearly as worth the admission charge as the Christmas Story House - not even close).

Heading in...

Some sweet wristband action here.

Mom, rocking out.

I mean, it's only rock and roll,
but I kinda dig it.

The building itself was really neat, and the Hall had a set of rotating exhibits reflecting current events (the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love and Rolling Stone Magazine were featured when we visited).  However, my favorite exhibits were the amazing costume collections and artifacts from several of the greats:

Lady Gaga's Bad Romance corset

Bob Mackie creations for the Supremes - 
so stunningly gorgeous in person.

Blow this one up to see that the cumberbund
on the red jumpsuit reads, "SEX."
James Brown had a few jumpsuits like this.

Above and below, David Bowie outfits

I think we might be well qualified
to represent the LBC.

Eventually, we all pooped out and straggled outside, waiting on the curved benches up front for everyone to congregate.

Everyone chatted...


...and Chris made a friend!

Once all together again, we strolled/drove back toward the VRBO, stopping at Noble Beast Brewing for lunch, a few beers, and the start of the FSU game (spoiler alert - we didn't win.  It's like we've forgotten how to football this year).  Although the menu at Noble Beast was on the limited side, their choices were fantastic and fresh; my turkey sandwich held all sorts of interesting garnishes, and everyone left happy and full.

 The inside of Noble Beast.
You can see Aunt Kim there,
grabbing some water/forks from the condiments table.

Chris using the remains of my sandwich
to continue making friends with
the greater insect community of the city.

After lunch, we bid Ethan adieu for a few hours while he went home to change, and it was a short stroll back to the VRBO where we rested awhile.  

Strolling back home...

Putting together breakfast casserole
for Sunday morning.

Time to relax and surf the interwebs!

Up next on the blog, our entire reason for heading north - Ashley's wedding!




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