It's Big Trip Time! Part 9 - Rolling on the River
In Part 8 , we made it to Zion National Park and took the world's longest shortcut. Don't miss it! Since we knew that it would be crowded on the one day we really had to visit Zion National Park (NPs all over are super busy right now, and it was the Friday starting out Memorial Day weekend), and it was forecast to get into the low 90s later that afternoon, we set an early alarm to get us up and moving. We had our normal coffee/tea service, and Chris made breakfast sandwiches, but as we'd mostly packed the truck the night before, we were out of Zion River Resort and on the road pretty quickly. After touring Springdale (the town that sits right at the gates of Zion NP) and selecting a parking area the day before, we made it there without issue and paid for parking, strolling the ~ 1 mile from where we'd left the truck to the pedestrian entrance to the park. Along the way, we grabbed some selfies and looked around at the neat things in Springdale itself. This sculptur...