Up in the Pines - Part 2

Did you read Part 1?

When last we blogged, we'd made it to White Spar Campground in Prescott, Arizona with our friends Jake, Keeli, Christina, and Amadeo (as well as various and assorted fur-kids) and were enjoying our first evening of the long Memorial Day weekend.

Zoe snoozes while Bea eats things she shouldn't -
story of our life right now.

As is our normal, we were up pretty early on Sunday morning, and once quiet hours ended, Chris headed outside to boil hot water for coffee and tea on our Camp Chef Stryker

Making the coffee!

Cuddling with the girls on the couch

Before too long, it was time to put breakfast together, an egg/bacon/spinach/cheese scramble with toasted English muffins and jam on the Camp Chef flattop (we are clearly a Camp Chef family).  I heard from Christina; she and Amadeo were also up having some morning sustenance, and we could see Jake and Keeli starting to stir as well.

Zoe made it her mission to eat as much of this grass as possible.
I *promise* we feed her real dog food on a regular basis.

The Martinez family breakfast setup

Eventually, everyone wandered over to say good morning; Amadeo and Christina were heading out for a few hours to scout some climbing locations, and Chris and Jake went for a short run on the nearby trails.  I did some easy, non-weight bearing yin yoga and took some ibuprofen (the foot was starting to swell nicely by this point), while the girls helped:

Such a stressed-out creature
I just wish she would relax more

Before too long, it was lunchtime, and everyone gathered in our campsite (we had morning shade) to enjoy takeout from FARM Provisions, a delicious local spot in Prescott.  Amadeo and Christina picked up our order on the way back from their scouting adventure; while they didn't find exactly what they were looking for, they did have a chance to wander through a craft/art fair downtown, which they said was great!

The Yavapai County Courthouse -
Prescott was the capital of Arizona when it was still a territory

After eating, drinking, and chatting for a few hours at our campsite, the afternoon sun was starting to creep in, so we once again relocated to Jake and Keeli's to sit under their canopy.  We fired up the tv once more and watched the F1 race, which had aired earlier in the day.  

The girls were clearly fascinated:

Rosie having a snoozle

Post-race, we all headed back to our campsites for some down time; folks read or napped, and I iced my foot while watching the very first episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives (all now streaming on the Max app)!

Bea and I are rollin' out!

Eventually, we all gathered for dinner (leftover steak tacos for us) and dessert (gelato and Oreos), and we once again enjoyed spending time together over a great meal.  Christina and Amadeo took their leave to head back to the tent, while Jake, Keeli, Chris, and I started watching the newest Ant Man movie on Jake's new portable projector and movie screen (I may have mentioned this before, but our days of "roughing it" are so very over).  I didn't last too long into the movie, bidding goodnight to everyone around 9pm, and Chris followed soon after.

Amadeo and Christina say "sweet dreams!"

We slept in a bit longer on Monday morning, and once again, Chris headed outside to get the water boiling for breakfast drinks.  Jake and Keeli came over after just a bit, and we all started making group breakfast together - delicious French toast with bacon and eggs!

Chris manning the bacon station

Keeli and Jake, expertly cooking the French toast.
My job was to take pictures, try not to destroy myself again,
and (as I was told many times by my husband) "sit the F down!"
I'm good at following orders.

Christina and Amadeo joined us as well, and we all visited before it was time to clean up, pack up, and hit the road down the hill on the way home.  We made a quick stop at the Maverick station on the way out of Prescott, which had a free and easy to use dump station (there was a short line, but it moved pretty quickly).  Everyone made it back safe and sound by midday, and we all started on the massive loads of laundry piling up in our front hallways - or at least, our family did.

Bea claiming her pile of laundry

What a great time!  Although we sorely missed Jen and Bryan (and their fur kiddos), the six of us had a marvelous time relaxing and enjoying each other's company in the peaceful surroundings.  We already have another trip planned for the fall, and we can't wait!




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