Training Update: T-Minus Three Weeks
Okay, so the Bella picture has absolutely nothing to do with a training update, but since it received more likes than any other picture I've ever posted on Facebook - EVER - I figured I'd post it here again, since everyone really seemed to enjoy it. We pay for her food, lodging, and meds and pretty much get nothing but sassy comments (in dog language) in return, so it's about time she started pulling her weight around this blog.
Anywhoo, a training update. As of today, 9/20, it's THREE WEEKS until my fall marathon for 2015, out in Long Beach, California. I originally wanted to run the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) in DC, but that's so popular you have to be chosen from a lottery; although I entered, I didn't get picked. Long Beach looked like a good second choice, since it was two weeks before MCM, and it also allowed us to head out west and visit Dad and Risa for the weekend.
The biggest issue with running October marathons is that means your training plan (generally 12-16 weeks long) starts in the middle of July or so, which is of course, the most beautiful time for running in Phoenix. While the normal average (thanks, Google) is 106, this year, we set records for the hottest days a few times (I believe), topping out around 117-118 or so. Delightful.
Mainly, I've been beating the heat by just getting up super early on long run days, around 4am or so, to be out of the house and on the road by 4:45. I'm up that early throughout the week, since I need to finish a run and get to work, so although it's painful, I'm used to it by now. I normally end up wearing a headlamp for the first 1-2 hours of the run, heading home to refill the water in my hydration pack, then ditching the lamp for my visor and sunglasses.
Today featured the longest long run of my training plan - 20 miles - and overall, it went pretty well. I bonked a little bit around mile 17, and that tested my pace some, but I was able to finish out the 20 miles with an overall 9:24, which is just a bit slower than my goal of 9:15. It seemed hotter this morning than it has been in the past few days, which didn't help, but I mainly blame the bonk on not eating lunch yesterday, as a result of sitting in a car dealership for 6.5 hours straight. At least we came home with this beast:
Hooray, it fits in the garage!
As far as timing goes, while I don't think I'm at the right place to hit my Boston qualifying time (3:40), I should be able to set a pretty nice Personal Record. My current PR is 4:13 set at the Tucson Marathon a few years back, and if I was healthy for P.F.Chang's this year, I should have clocked in right around 4:00 flat. I think I can maintain my current tempo pace of 8:40 miles, and if I can, I should come in right around 3:45 or so. That'll be my "great day" goal, and I'll set 4:00 as my backup goal, in case things don't go as well as expected.
The Long Beach course is pretty darn flat (hooray!), and it's at sea level (double hooray!), plus the temperature will be amazing (triple hooray!), particularly by Phoenix standards. The race starts at 6am, so I should see a range of 65-72 or so throughout my run, which sounds absolutely outstanding. Even if a heat wave comes through (which it looks like they might face this weekend), it should still be 72-84 during my run, and heck, I'm used to that by now.
All right, back to it! Later!
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