Working on the Back Yard - Part 8 of X

When we lived in Arizona, both of our houses had great patios, and we spent a ton of time in our back yards as a result.  Given that we often did so when the weather was in the triple digits, we knew we'd be getting even more use out of our back yard here in the LBC.  As you've seen on the previous 7 yard work blogs, things were coming along nicely, but in late May, we finally saved up enough pennies to afford the patio and other concrete work we'd been wanting since we moved into the house last August.

While we're decently handy, we knew we weren't up to attempting this on our own, and after getting quotes from general landscaping companies (ranging from merely expensive to ludicrously ridiculous), we had the bright idea to call the folks that put up our block wall, Coastline Masonry, to see if they might be interested in the work.  They absolutely were, and they were also willing to give us a small discount due to being repeat customers.  Seriously, these guys are awesome - if you need their services and live in this area, give them a call.  Reasonable prices, friendly people, and solid work.

Anywhoo, the day before they were set to come out to do the full job, we took some time to mark off the areas where we'd like the concrete to go.  We wanted three main areas: 1) an expansion off the steps leading into the back, sliding door; 2) a decent-sized patio on the back of garage; and 3) a paved walkway between the house and garage, connecting the two.

The "before" shots:

This must have been the same day
we built the west-side planters,
as I'm wearing the same "hauling mulch" clothes
in those photos.
Anyway, this is the back door to the house.

Standing in the driveway,
in front of the garage,
looking toward the breezeway
between the house and garage.
We had a few pads of cement here,
where we stored the trash cans,
but the rest of the area was dirt and rock,
which became a mud pit during our rainy winter.

In the breezeway,
looking out toward the back yard.

Standing directly behind our master bedroom,
looking east toward the back of the garage.

Here's where the main patio will go.

And another view of that.

Early on the appointed morning, the crew showed up and got right to work, using a Bobcat to dig up and haul out debris and staking off the forms.  The entire set of concrete (with the exception of the square around the grass) has rebar running through it, so it's set to last for a good long while.

Bobcat time!
I'm always amazed at how much crap
has to be hauled out of a yard before
actual progress can begin.

Forms off the back steps.

Another look at the back steps.

The breezeway, with rebar laid down.

The in-progress patio.
As you can see above, for a small fee,
the guys were able to also pour footings
for our upcoming pergola - 
stay tuned for that in a later blog...

Around the grass patch.
We're planning on putting rock down
throughout the rest of the yard,
so a cement barrier is a good way
to keep things separate.
We did this in the Casa Grande house,
and it worked out well.

The next morning, it was cement time!  The cement truck once again pulled up outside, and the guys started filling in the forms.  It was during this time period that the guys and I found out together that the lock on the gate on the west side of our house had fused shut from all the rain and whatnot, which was a problem, as this was all of our main access to the backyard, now that a few hundred square feet of wet cement covered the breezeway between the house and garage.  I gave them permission to hack the lock off if needed, which of course didn't work, so they ended up unscrewing the latch itself from the gate and going in and out that way.  So, on the bright side, it's super safe as no one can get in through the gate once the latch is attached, but on the down side, if you're running away from a serial killer in our back yard, don't go that way.

Yes, we will take up the whole street,

Anyway, be careful!  Wet cement pictures:

Off the back door.

Start of the breezeway.

All finished up!

'Round the grass.

Our new patio!

The guys came back about a week later to pull off the forms and clean everything up, and we waited another few weeks to put things on the new pads.  They're holding up well, and we're super pleased with all of their work!  On the next yard update (which make take some time, what with family weddings/travel and Ragnar and whatnot), time to build a pergola!




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