Welcome to the 2014 Edition of the Hunger Games!
In other words, base training has begun for our big
fall/winter endurance events.
May the calorie
differential be ever in your favor!
As I may have mentioned earlier on the blog, I signed up for
the full P.F.Chang’s Marathon, which will occur in January 2015, and Chris has officially paid for the SOMA half Ironman distance triathlon, a local race
that occurs in late October. Neither of
us is in the thick of training yet (although Chris is getting close-ish), and
after a summer spent just staying in shape,* we need to build up our base level just a bit. That way,
when the hard stuff rolls around, we have a decent base already constructed
from which to build.
Not that base, you
Chris is currently swimming two mornings a week, attending
spin class with buddies two days a week, doing weights once a week, taking one
day off, and filling the seventh day with either running, biking outside, or
some other activity. For the past few
weeks, I’ve done easy runs of 5-6 miles three days a week, strength training
one day, yoga one day, and a longer run of 8-9 miles one day a week; then on
the final day, I rest (this generally ends up being a Saturday). For my Type A, slightly OCD personality, it’s
nice to be a on a real** schedule again, and since I’m only finishing out my
second week, it hasn’t gotten old quite yet.
The problem with all of this working out is that we’ve once
again entered the state commonly known by serious and quasi-athletes alike as
the “I want to eat the world” phase of training. No food is safe in our house, in the areas
nearby our house, or in the cubes/offices of our friends. Apparently, Chris texted his buddy and
co-worker Jake on Tuesday*** pleading for any food he might have, as Chris had
consumed all of the calories in his immediate space. Jake surrendered some mixed nuts to Chris,
because he’s a good friend but also probably to diffuse the maniacal gleam that
had undoubtedly entered Chris’ eyes.
“So, Jake, I heard you have snacks…”
We’ve really got to start stocking healthy, nutrient-rich,
good options for situations like this in our fridge at home and desk drawers at
work, because it’s only going to get worse as we move into the fall and
winter. As an example, on Friday
morning, Chris was packing his lunch and decided that the normal, lunch-sized
container of leftover butternut squash and beet pasta bake wasn’t going to
suffice. He added to that a cup of
cooked basmati rice with soy sauce, and a random Clif Builder’s Bar**** we
found in the pantry. It’s getting
desperate around here, yo.
The lunch of
champions? Probably not.
Although they do taste
pretty good.
I happened to stay home from work on Wednesday (the day of
an easy pace, 6 mile run) and ate (in this order): two servings of
Metamucil*****, a cup of Chai tea, an English muffin with a slice of cheddar
cheese and ham, a cup and a half of watermelon, 8-10 oz of Powerade, a leftover
hamburger slider from Zinburger, a small Coke, two cups of vanilla ice cream
with cinnamon, a large heirloom tomato/cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar
dressing, two cups of basmati rice with soy sauce (the origin of Chris’ Friday
rice), another slice of cheese, a handful of tortilla chips, two steak tacos
(street taco size) on corn tortillas with sour cream, shredded cheese, and
homemade salsa, a beer, and 3 squares of a dark chocolate truffle bar. AND I STILL WENT TO BED HUNGRY.
For the love of this
tiny kitteh!
I know it’ll get better – it always does – but right now, I
suppose this is our cross to bear. Let’s
hope we can finally train the dogs on how to successfully engineer a chocolate
chip cookie run to Albertson’s, or we might all perish soon.
Please send pie,
* A shape other than
completely circular, ideally.
** As in, created by
Coach, who holds me accountable for doing it.
*** Jake is one of the
buddies training with Chris for the fall event.
**** Peanut butter
flavor, because I know you’re wondering.
This blog is about the WHOLE truth.
***** Mixed into 16 oz of water, not on its own. Wow. That idea is horrifying.
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